all postcodes in M1 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M1 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M1 7AB 0 53.475361 -2.23611
M1 7AE 0 53.475004 -2.235794
M1 7AG 3 53.475423 -2.237559
M1 7AJ 0 53.474983 -2.236319
M1 7AP 0 53.474983 -2.236319
M1 7AR 0 53.475004 -2.235794
M1 7AS 0 53.474983 -2.236319
M1 7AT 0 53.47582 -2.235977
M1 7AX 1 53.475407 -2.236881
M1 7AY 3 53.475171 -2.236787
M1 7AZ 0 53.475118 -2.23712
M1 7BD 1 53.473965 -2.238801
M1 7DA 0 53.473877 -2.237761
M1 7DB 2 53.4741 -2.238335
M1 7DE 1 53.474036 -2.239073
M1 7DF 2 53.47382 -2.239328
M1 7DG 1 1 53.474076 -2.236783
M1 7DP 2 1 53.47607 -2.232
M1 7DU 43 4 53.470929 -2.237564
M1 7DY 19 2 53.470479 -2.237062